PTA Logo

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is run by parents and is an integral part of our school.

The PTA works with the school through:

  • fundraising for much needed purchase of IT equipment, classroom furniture, library books, playground equipment, and other important items.
  • providing a link between parents and school management.
  • encouraging a sense of school community through the organisation of many community events each year.
  • supporting the school through co-ordinating activities that free teachers up to focus on teaching, like Road Patrols, Walking Buses, washing tea towels etc.

The PTA holds a meeting on the first Monday of each month at 7pm in the Staff Room. All parents are warmly invited to attend these meetings and/or help provide parent support in many of the PTA’s activities throughout the year. A member of the school management team is always present at the meetings and presents a report of the monthly events happening in the school.

Get Involved

Keep up to date

Regular Activities

Walking Bus
Have you thought about joining a school walking bus? A short drive can be an amazing walk! If you’re interested in joining, please email the PTA Secretary.

Second-hand Uniforms

We have a range of second hand uniform items available. Please check out our new website to place your order. We also welcome your donation of used uniforms.

Pizza Fridays
Pre-order pizza online by the end of the day on a Thursday and pizza will be delivered to school for your child’s Friday lunch. Go to the Pizza Fridays page for instructions.
Ice Block Fridays
Remember to send $2 with your child on Fridays for a tropical fruit ice block. PTA volunteers sell these items from the Hall Kitchen window during big break.
Sushi Wednesdays
Pre-order sushi online by the end of the day on a Tuesday and fresh sushi will be delivered to school for your child’s Wednesday lunch. Go to the Sushi Wednesdays page for instructions.
Lucky Book Club
Look out for this terms Scholastic Book Club flyers in the book bags. Please place any orders online (or view the online flyer) at the Lucky Book Club. No paper orders will be accepted.
Entertainment Books
Get some great discounts for local restaurants and attractions. The hard-copy or digital versions are both $70 with 20% going to the school. Go to the Entertainment Books page for more info.
Yummy Stickers
If you buy ‘Yummy’ branded fruit (sold at New World & Pak’n’Save) collect the stickers or bag labels and we can exchange them for new sport equipment. Go to the Yummy Stickers page for collection sheets and info.

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