The Board of Trustees (BOT) is responsible for governance of our school. It is made up of elected parents, the Principal and a Teacher Representative.
At Kohimarama School we are working towards our vision to become the New Zealand Primary School of choice. The Board and I consider it a great privilege to take on the responsibility for governing the school on behalf of all stakeholders as we strive to achieve that vision.
We are incredibly proud to be part of such a strong school community that genuinely models the values and behaviours that we call ‘The Kohimarama Way‘. We know that it is this combination that is behind our continued high levels of achievement.
Everyday we can see our world is changing. Our children need to be prepared to learn how to do jobs that don’t exist today. Technology is more integrated into our lives and is becoming a powerful learning tool. Our society is increasingly concerned about sustainability and wellness.
The Board and the School Leadership have embraced these challenges and opportunities. We have set a strategic direction that puts the foundations in place to develop 21st century citizens and learners. We are well on track to achieve the goals we set and encourage you to find out more by reading our strategic plan captured in our School Charter.
Strategic Plan 2024-2026 (PDF)
Annual Implementation Plan 2025 (PDF)
Our vision to be the New Zealand Primary School of choice has set us on a journey where we are constantly challenging ourselves to improve and build on our achievements. Supporting this is the open and ongoing conversation we have with our community and stakeholders. Whether you are exploring sending your child to Kohimarama School, already have children attending, or are an interested member of our community, we encourage you to reach out with any questions, thoughts and ideas. You can find details of how to reach us below.
Thank you and welcome to Kohimarama School.
Mark Thomson, Presiding Member
The Board of Trustees (BOT) is responsible for governance of our school, working on behalf of all stakeholders. The Board’s key responsibilities include:
The Principal is responsible for managing day-to-day operation of the school.
The Board of Trustees can be contacted by email at The Board appreciates feedback, so please feel free to make contact.
Kohimarama School holds full-term and mid-term (staggered) elections every 18 months, when half of the parent representatives are elected at each of those 2 elections, for a 3 year term.
Board meetings are usually held on the third Monday of every month in the main office, starting at 6:30pm. Meetings are open to the public and parents are welcome to attend as observers. Notice of Board Meetings are published on the School Calendar.
Board Newsletters are published at the end of each term, highlighting progress of key BOT projects and activities.